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March 2023

New deadline for registering 'lost paths'

Along with many involved in the outdoors, we are concerned that the Government has backtracked on a promise made only last year to abandon the cut-off date for registering 'lost' public rights of way in England. Instead the deadline has simply been put back from January 2026 to 2031. Somewhat ironically, the announcement comes very soon after the publication of the Environmental Improvement Plan, which promises that the public should be able to access green space or water, such as woodlands, wetlands, parks and rivers, within a 15-minute walk from their home.
Many volunteers and paid officers, from Walkers are Welcome to members of The Ramblers, have put in hours of work researching and documenting the historical use of paths that are not already shown as 'rights of way'.  Local Authorities, for their part, are decades behind in dealing with applications to recognise these unrecorded rights of way.  It is difficult to see how they can possibly deal with the backlog in just a few years.
The new measure is being implemented through an amendment in the House of Lords to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill so, if you share the concern, contacting MPs and Members of the House of Lords could be worthwhile. The Ramblers is organising a campaign - more information here

App update delayed
The promised update to the Walkingworld app has been delayed, thanks to a few problems getting through the review process on the Apple and Google App Stores. We think the issues are now resolved and the new version will be released next week.

You will see a note on the Home screen of the app warning that any mapping downloaded on the older version will not be visible once the app has updated. You will need to delete the walk and download it again, unfortunately. Once the updated versions have been released we will notify you on the Home screen message, so you will be able to check that you have the new version before saving any walks.

In search of summer
They're always a step ahead in southern Europe: while here in the UK, spring is only just finding its feet, temperatures are already rising right across the Mediterranean, accompanied by brilliant blue skies, a chattering of birdsong and - in the countryside - hills and meadows carpeted in wildflowers.

The beautiful isles of the Mediterranean have long been favourites with Inntravel - the self-guided walking experts who specialise in seeking out the quieter corners of even the most well-known destinations. This is true of their hotel-to-hotel walking holiday on Mallorca, which explores the island's idyllic north-west corner: a land of picturesque stone villages; rugged mountains; and tranquil valleys where the scent of lemons fills the air. Inntravel have designed their itinerary to be as flexible as possible: as well as a wide choice of tempting walking routes, you have the option to sightsee by train, tram or boat - or even just to relax at your charming, hand-picked hotels.

Farther east, Inntravel's walking holiday on sunny Cyprus also reveals landscapes that few visitors get to see. It begins by the coast, but away from the crowds on the wild and unspoiled Akamas Peninsula, before progressing inland to the Krasochoria wine region where you have the chance to experience traditional village life. The holiday's panoramic finale plays out in the heart of the Troodos, home to truly superb mountain walking.

Full details of all Inntravel's self-guided walking holidays - over 175 in total - can be found on the Inntravel website

Discount offer at Villa Andalucia
Helen Hares is offering Walkingworld members an exclusive 10% discount to stay at the stunning Villa Andalucia in Competa. Nestled in the foothills of the Sierra de Tejeda, this beautiful villa is the perfect base for your next walking adventure. Simply use the code WWALK10 when booking your stay to claim a 10% discount.