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April 2023

Walkingworld app updates
The updates to the Android and Apple apps that we alerted you about in February and March have now been released. Any walks downloaded before the update will not have functioning maps, so you would need to delete the walk and download it again. You can check that you have the very latest version of the app by looking in Settings (from the main menu on the home screen of the app). Look at the bottom of the Settings screen - the new version will be 2.0.8 or above

Walkers are Welcome in Prestatyn
Prestatyn and Meliden was the first community in Wales to be awarded Walkers are Welcome status in 2007. The Prestatyn and Clwydian Range Walking Festival takes place over the weekend of May 19th-21st. There are 25 free guided walks for all ages and abilities plus an inter-active talk with authentically dressed Roman soldiers on the Friday.

The walks take in Iron Age forts, Offa's Dyke, various nature reserves, the area's rich industrial and mining heritage and a number of routes in the footsteps of the Romans. All walks must be booked in advance as numbers for each are limited.  Please do book early to avoid disappointment (a handful of walks are already fully booked).

Making your own safe water
Do you ever wish you didn't need to carry litres of water on your long walks or overnight camps? If you don't want to carry water you need to treat the water you find and make it safe to drink. There are a number of ways of doing this, all of which are better than the old-fashioned method of filtering it through your sock!

You can boil water, but clearly you will need a stove or fire and then you must boil it for at least a minute and allow it to cool. Alternatively water can be treated with Iodine tabs; however this may not kill all organisms and can leave a lingering taste. UV light can also be used to kill some pathogens but it is not effective on cloudy water.

Most outdoor expert's preferred option is to carry a water purifier with a microfilter. Some filters are used as standalone devices after which you decant the water to your bottle, or you can get very small ones that can go in your drinking bottle. Mad about Mountains recommends Grayl water purifiers as they have performed above the required standards for removing viruses, bacteria and organisms, as well as filtering out particles, chemicals and heavy metals. These bottles come with a cartridge inside. You just fill with water and then slowly plunge the top; within 8 seconds you have clean water to sip or store for later. Check them out on the Mad about Mountains website.

Cotswold Outdoor 'Explore More' membership
We are pleased to have renewed our partnership with Cotswold Outdoor, giving Walkingworld subscribers a 10% discount both in store and online. You receive the discount on full-priced items (excluding electronics and selected lines) with Cotswold Outdoor, Runners Need and Snow+Rock. You need to be signed up for Cotswold Outdoor's free Explore More benefits scheme to use the discount. This comes with its own benefits such as a 3-year extended warranty, a 100-day returns policy, Price Match Promise and more. You can sign up through the Cotswold Outdoor website. Find the exclusive Walkingworld discount code by logging in to the Walkingworld website and looking for 'Subscriber benefits' in the left-hand menu bar on the homepage.

Villa AndalucĂ­a: correction

Due to an error on Villa AndalucĂ­a's online booking page, the voucher code WWALK10 we gave in the last newsletter did not work. The error has now been corrected and tested, so the 10% discount for stays at the villa is available now.