Welcome to Walkingworld

On Walkingworld you can find over 8000 routes, contributed by more than 400 walk authors. This huge library of carefully prepared guides means you can find a selection of walks, of varying lengths and grades, pretty well anywhere in the country.
The walks come in a unique format making them very easy to follow, with photographs to illustrate every important decision point and a proper OS 1:25,000 Explorer map. View a typical example (PDF)
An annual subscription of £18 gives you unlimited access to all these walks. You can print them out, download digital mapping files for your GPS and follow the routes on the Walkingworld app. With the app you can follow the walk, complete with instructions and pictures, and see your position on an OS map. Please note that the app is currently on available for iPhone. A new Android app is being created.
Join now without obligation and you can choose one walk from the entire library before deciding whether you want to subscribe. Just find the walk you want and click to access it.
If you join but decide not to subscribe you can receive our informative monthly newsletter and use the Walkingworld app in a more limited way. 
Why not get started?
Walks abroad
Most of the walks are in Britain but there's a growing collection in Spain, France and Portugal, perfect destinations for a quick getaway. We are also building a collection of walks from cruise ports, including in Norway. Click the country in the menu on the left to browse our overseas walks.
Directory entry
As a subscriber you can set up a directory entry at no extra cost. The directory is a great way to promote a guest house, website or walking group to fellow Walkingworld members. A link to your directory entry appears on every local walk.
Find a walk:
Now choose a location in one of these ways:
How many walks?
Currently there are just over 8300 walks to choose from.
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